April 26, 2023 — marcel

Decent day at Maasvlakte North

Maasvlakte North

in South-Holland


If some info is not correct, please contact us.
Bottom Type
Wave Type
DifficultyIntermediate and Up
Danger LevelSlightly Dangerous
Very SafeVery Dangerous
Water QualitySlightly Dirty
Very DirtyVery Clean
Crowd FactorRarely Crowded
Empty line-upOvercrowded
Protection from SwellProtected
Very ExposedVery Protected

The north side is very exposed to swell but the south part (P1) is well protected from swell.

Beach Length
4 km
Wave QualityAverage
Very PoorAverageExcellent
ConsistencyFew surf days per year
InconsistentVery Consistent
Local Vibe
Surf School


The waves at this spot are quite fast, hollow, and powerful for Dutch standards. While it’s mostly rights here, you can occasionally surf a left. The beach is very long, with wave size decreasing as you move south. The spot works best on northerly swells. Additionally, northerly winds create offshore conditions on the south side. During mid to high tide, the current flows south on the inside, while on the outside, it tends to flow north. Free parking spots and parking next to the road is allowed. No other amenities besides industrial buildings. Not reachable with public transport.

1m N-swell, picture taken +-2h before high tide. We went in the water and around 30 minutes later, set waves doubled in size compared to photo with long rights and a lot of fun!
Decent day at Maasvlakte North
Good day at Maasvlakte North